> Marsha, sounds like a cyst in your ear.  You can speed up the healing
> with heat.  Put uncooked rice in an old sock and tie the top shut.  Zap in
> the micro for a minute or two and you have an instant heating pad for the
> ear.  It should stay warm for at least 20 minutes.  Good luck.

Actually, I think it was a zit, as it popped and stuff came out. It
apparently has broken my eardrum. All I can do now is pray that it will
heal. It is sure nasty though! I hate not being able to hear out one side,
makes me feel so weird! Especially driving 40 miles at night, afraid and
 I`ll keep taking the CS and the drops, and I`ll try using a warm wet
washcloth. And I`ll pray!
Thanks again, and I love you all!
Marsha, in Vallejo but wishing to be in Utah with the kids...

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