Hi Marsha,

A friend of mine studied for years with a famous  The Maharishi.  Same one 
the Beatles were into for a while.  She told him how disappointed with 
spiritual progress she had become and all of the difficulties in her 
everyday life.

The great teacher smiled, and said, quote: "Some days are like that".

I hope the flow becomes less stressful for your.

James Osbourne Holmes

-----Original Message-----
From:   Marsha Hallett [SMTP:liah...@pacbell.net]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 24, 2000 10:35 PM
To:     silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject:        Re: CS> OT, can`t hear now

Dear Listers, An update on my poor ear, if anyone cares... Monday I went to
an ENT who says my eardrum is intact, thank Goodness!! He cleaned out some
debris and put me on Cipro.  Seems I may have an infection in the inner 
which has caused such a fluid buildup that it muffles my hearing. It pops
now when I yawn or swallow, but won`t clear. sigh...
What the heck happend to my CS??? Boy, I am losing faith...Maybe the
batteries are dead again? Don`t know, the last batch looked normal. 
I`ll make some up with an AC unit my hubby left here and give that a try.
 What a weekend I had! First the ear, then the new crown didn`t fit and the
dentist had to redo the whole thing, which made me too miserable to go to
the Arabian horse show here in Vallejo.
Then Saturday I was still miserable, my favorite horse lost the Preakness,
and my favorite NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon`s car crashed. Sunday I was too
yucky to go to church, so I spent the day sitting, just sitting. At least 
one I love died!
I AM getting better, gradually. Now, if I can just survive my court hearing
next Wednesday, about the divorce. (This will determine which state has
jurisdiction, CA or Arkansas, and whether or not I`ll get support.) If not,
this computer will have to be sold, and that will be the last of Marsha in
Thanks for letting me vent. Hope you all are well!!

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