In a message dated 6/15/00 10:43:49 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> Is it possible to have a severe allergic reaction to Colloidal Silver?  He 
>  has a rash on 80% of his body.  Could the CS have eliminated some of the 
>  symptoms by the time the doctor finally saw him on Monday thus preventing 
>  accurate diagnosis? 

Dear Dotsie,    

     I looked up some stuff on the web and got quotes with cites.  I can't 
say they're exactly scientific because they may not be.  In general, no one 
knows of a report of allergic reaction (that I could find) but there is one 
quote that does say a herx reaction from dead bacteria can cause rashes and 
other symptoms.  My gut reaction is that Yes, the CS could have killed enough 
bacteria to remove some symptoms.  

My Best,

"There has never been any allergic reactions to colloidal silver ever 
reported since medical records began during the mid 1800's."

"Medical tests indicate no known adverse effects and there has never been a 
recorded case of drug interaction with any other medication. No allergic 
reaction has ever been recorded. "

"No interaction with other medications Tasteless when ingested No sting when 
applied topically Totally non-toxic, no allergic reaction ever recorded " (This site at least has 
named doctors as references):

Colloidal Silver can be extremely beneficial to allergy sufferers, however, 
while it i s highly unusual for people to have an allergic reaction to trace 
minerals like silver, especially in a safe colloidal solution, if there is 
even the slightest possibility of a reaction you should consult with your 
health professional before using Colloid al Silver."

"Furthermore, no detrimental side effects have ever been shown. It did not 
cause argyria, even in prolonged large dosages. It was not caustic and 
instead promoted healing in general. No allergic reactions were ever 
reported. It was highly effective for most infections of every kind. "

"Jarish-Herxheimer Reaction (herx) - First described in syphilis and is a 
temporary increase in symptoms after taking antibiotics. When the spirochetes 
die, they shed toxins which induce the immune response, resulting in 
headache, chills, fever, neck pain, rashes and fatigue."

Public Health Service 

National Institutes of Health 
Rocky Mountain Laboratories 
Hamilton, Montana 59840 
(406) 363-3211 
FTS (700) 322-8400 

January 13, 1995 

Dear Sir:* 

This is to inform you that we have received a sample (12 ml) of your 
colloidal silver (1,500 ppm) preparation and have evaluated its effectiveness 
in a preliminary pilot study against Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia 
burgdorferi (B31) and against the relapsing fever agent, B. Hermsii (HS-1).* 

In both tests, BSK cultured spirochetes were treated with 150 and 15 ppm of 
colloidal silver. When examined 24 hours later, none of the treated cultures 
contained live spirochetes. Few spirochetes, all dead, were observed at 48 

Additional in vitro and in vivo studies are in progress and will be reported 
as soon as results become available. 

Sincerely yours, 
Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. 
Scientist Emeritus 
Rocky Mountain Laboratories 

Microscopy Branch 
Tom G. Schwan, Ph.D. 
Senior Staff Fellow 
Laboratory of Microbial Structure and Function 


I suppose there is some way to differentiate between Herx and an allergic 
reaction to silver per se, but I don't know what it is.

I have personally heard of only one allergic reaction to silver; a man who 
worked in jewelry.  His hands became rough, and large cracks appeared. 
 When he stopped touching silver, the problem went away.  This anecdotally 
relayed to me from a man who worked with the person who developed the 
symptoms.   That was very probably sterling silver which contains other 
toxic metals, so it may not happen with high-purity silver.

Has anyone done a search of the medical databases for silver allergy?

James Osbourne Holmes

I've seen one or two reported cases of trumpet players allergic to
silver mouthpieces, reported in a trumpet newsgroup.


Bet the mouthpieces are sterling or another alloy, and that the sensitivity is
to the zinc, copper or nickel in the alloy.


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