Maybe this is what is happening.

1. (FACT) Silver does not react with O2 under normal conditions.
2. (FACT) H2O2 will liberate O upon contact with some size/shapes of silver.

3. (FACT) CS particles are positive charged, O is highly negative charged.
4. (Maybe) the O particles neutralize the silver particle causing any clumps
of silver particles to no longer clump together, they separate, then the O's
find each other, make O2, which then bubbles off, and the silver particle is
now broken up into smaller particles, and positive again.

If that is the case, then H2O2 would be acting as a catalyst, and I believe
this would explain everything.


Ivan Anderson wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Saturday, 17 June 2000 23:41
> Subject: Re: CS>Ag + H2O2
> > In a message dated 6/17/00 2:50:59 AM EST, writes:
> >
> > << Hi folks,
> >
> >  I originally thought that this reaction might be an indication of the
> >  metallic content (uncharged or slightly charged silver aggregates) of
> >  colloidal silver. This proved to be so in the tests I performed. Fred
> >  has attempted to refine the concept by quantifying the gas released,
> but
> >  unfortunately there is not a great deal of gas evolution, although
> there
> >  seems to be a gas phase which is plain to see.
> >
> >  The silver - hydrogen peroxide catalytic effect really only occurs
> with
> >  high purity H2O2 (> 90%) being pumped through silver mesh.
> >
> > Ivan: This type of contact is hardly that which is occurring when (I
> believe
> > 3%) H2O2 is added to freshly made CS. So how can anyone claim that
> (3%)
> > peroxide can be used to identify metallic silver in CS? Also it's very
> > confusing to me how the term catalyzed reaction is being used
> (probably not
> > by you). I thought a catalyst is something that PROMOTES a reaction
> without
> > TAKING PART in that reaction. The reaction below clearly show that
> silver is
> > one of the reactants. On the other hand, is it not possible that
> silver DOES
> > catalyze the reduction of (relatively unstable) H2O2? Your comments
> please.
> That is what I am saying Roger, this is not a catalytic reaction, but
> rather a relatively straight forward redox reaction. The catalytic
> reaction, as used in hydrogen peroxide rocket motors, induces a cascade
> reaction in the water producing heat and steam (theories on how this
> happens are not consistent). The silver does wear out in time.
> When I deliberately made a colloid that had a lot of sludge inclusion
> and was a deep gold colour, the introduction of H2O2 caused an immediate
> reaction in the form of many extremely small bubbles (made the sample
> look cloudy) and the colloid became clear. The ionic content was
> significantly higher after this reaction than before, as measured by Ion
> Selective Electrode.
> There was no such reaction with a light golden colloid which I know to
> be composed of a high proportion of ionic clusters (ISE ionic reading =
> AA total silver reading) and the concentration remained the essetially
> the same (slight increase). The plugging of the compounds into a couple
> of reaction predictors (the outputs of these are pasted into my post)
> confirms this evidence. Until the weight of evendence proves otherwise,
> this is my conclusion.
> >  H2O2 will oxidise metallic silver Ag
> >
> >  2(Ag)  +  H2O2  +  2H+  + 2e  >  2(Ag+  +  e)  +  2H2O
> >
> >  E(cell) = 0.977 V
> >  log K = 33.06168
> >  K = 1.15e33
> >  deltaG= -188.53169 kJ/mol
> >
> >  but will not oxidise the silver ion Ag+ in a neutral or acid
> solution.
> >  In a basic solution H2O2 will reduce Ag+ by way of the hydroxyl ion
> OH-
> >  surfiet.
> >
> > Ivan: How basic (pH?) does the solution have to be to get this
> reaction to
> > the right?
> I should think the reaction procedes as long as there are hydroxyl ions
> to donate electrons, and increases as the pH increases. The reaction may
> be self limiting as the pH will fall as the reaction procedes, by the
> look of it, but then may bounce back and forth about an equalibrium
> sucessively oxidising Ag and reducing the produced Ag+ until the H2O2 is
> exhausted, not sure.
> >  H2O2 + 2OH- + 2(Ag+  +  e) >  O2  +  2H2O  +  2e  +  2(Ag)
> >
> >  E(cell) = 0.945 V
> >  log K = 31.9788
> >  K = 9.52e31
> >  deltaG = -182.35665 kJ/mol
> >   >>
> --
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