In the Fifth and Sixth edition of the Organon, Hahnemann switched to
remedy pellets diluted in solution because he found that giving remedies
dry produced aggravations in many cases.  He also found that it was
necessary to change the remedy slightly before each dose to avoid
aggravation.  So he said that the solution bottle should be violently
shaken 10 times before each dose.  Hahnemann also made it clear
that an LM should NEVER be given dry, but only in solution.  Many
homeopaths in the USA are still perscribing by FOURTH edition
Organon rules, thereby IGNORING the FIFTH and SIXTH edition of
the Organon.

M. Louis
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scharbach 
  Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 8:49 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>attn:Nicole...Lyme and Ledum

  Why the need to prepare a solution?   Why not just take the
  pellets sublingually, as with most other homeopoathic remedies?

    CS would interfere with the remedy.  So, no you can't use CS
    when preparing a remedy solution.  It would alter the remedy.

    M. Louis