>  What causes lyme disease? Is it caused by a vax? I know the story about
>  ticks but I'm just wondering if there is another story we don't hear
> >>
> I think with many things we only hear part of the story.  It certainly
> not suprise me to find out that there may be additional modes of
> besides tick.  Lyme is caused by a bacteria called Borrelia
> Burgdorferi...spelling may be off.
> Christy

Dear Christy, and all,
(Your spelling is right, but the species name has a small b!)
 I read recently that anything blood-sucking can now carry Bb. This includes
mosquitoes and biting flies.
Mine was definitely a deer tick, as I pulled the damn thing off my leg! Got
the bullseye rash and the whole bit...sigh...

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