I make my own kefir.  It's good for the colon and serves the same purpose as 
yogurt in fighting yeast infections.

1 qt. milk
1 pkg kefir starter from health food store (first time only)

Heat the milk to 180F but do not boil.  Cool it down to about 75F.  Cover and 
let it sit out overnight or until it forms a curd.  Chill in refrigerator to 
stop the action.  Put the cold milk in the blender and add fruit or berries.  
Strawberries or peaches are good.  I like it sweet, so I add a little corn 
syrup or fruit flavored syrup.   Serve ice cold.  Delicious and healthful.
    I save a cup of the curdled milk to use as a starter for the next run and 
avoid buying expensive starter.


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