Another great way to fight off yeast in a relatively short time is by
taking a product(a chiropractor once introduced to me) called "FORMULA
SF22", by Thorne Research.The main ingrediant:  10-undecenoic acid(derived
from castor bean oil)


>I make my own kefir.  It's good for the colon and serves the same purpose as
>yogurt in fighting yeast infections.
>1 qt. milk
>1 pkg kefir starter from health food store (first time only)
>Heat the milk to 180F but do not boil.  Cool it down to about 75F.  Cover and
>let it sit out overnight or until it forms a curd.  Chill in refrigerator to
>stop the action.  Put the cold milk in the blender and add fruit or berries.
>Strawberries or peaches are good.  I like it sweet, so I add a little corn
>syrup or fruit flavored syrup.   Serve ice cold.  Delicious and healthful.
>    I save a cup of the curdled milk to use as a starter for the next run and
>avoid buying expensive starter.
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