>>We take a small bottle of CS to us when we eat out.  We use it on our
>>hands before eating same as you would the waterless hand sanitizers you
>>see on the shelves.

Great idea

>  Supposedly contact with CS of only 6 or so seconds is all that is
>required to kill them all.
>We take a small bottle of CS to us when we eat out.  We use it on our
>hands before eating same as you would the waterless hand sanitizers you
>see on the shelves.  But instead of killing 99.9% of some germs, it is
>100% of all germs.  Most people don't know it but a lot of pathogens are
>not included in the some germs statment on these things. They are not
>killed at all, including all virus and fungi I believe.
>Pamela Grant wrote:
>I just received the below message. Perhaps washing our vegetables in CS
>would be wise. However, does anyone know how long one needs to wash their
>fruits and veg. in order to kill most bacteria, viruses, along with fungus?
>I know this is not an easy question as it seems that potency among other
>factors would need to be considered. Has anyone done a study on this?
>>Good morning!
>>Two messages from me in one day! I apologize. For those of you who seldom
>>get email from me, this does not indicate a new trend - you probably won't
>>get anything else from me for a while; however, I believe this alert that I
>>received from my Shaklee Distributor is important enough to be sent to
>>I know that most of you wash your produce in something: of course, Shaklee
>>recommends Basic H. Just make sure that whatever you use will kill
>>parasites, viruses & bacteria without poisoning humans. Plain water won't
>>I thought I did a good job washing my produce, but since I throw away the
>>skin of some things, such as cantaloupe & citrus fruit, I hadn't thought to
>>wash them. However, as the following safety alert shows, it is important to
>>wash ALL produce, even if you throw away the skin.
>>---------------------BEGIN ALERT---------------
>>Safety Alerts
>>June 2, 2000
>>Salmonella Outbreak Offers Food Safety Lesson - Wash cantaloupe and other
>>fruits before eating - From the South Dakota Department of Health Pierre,
>>A salmonella outbreak in several western states is a good reminder to
>>consumers of how important it is to wash the skins of unpeeled fruit before
>>eating, says a state health official.
>>Consumption of tainted cantaloupe has been linked to at least 39 cases
>>of salmonella  in California, Oregon, New Mexico, Nevada and Washington.
>>Because cantaloupes are grown on the ground, their outer skin can become
>>contaminated in the field by human or animal waste, or during distribution
>>prior to sale, said Dave Micklos, Director of Health Protection for the
>>Department of
>>"Unless the cantaloupe rind is first scrubbed with soap and hot running
>>water, slicing into it can contaminate the fruit," said Micklos. "Handle
>>cantaloupe the same way you do raw meat - wash your hands before and after
>>you work with it and refrigerate unused cut portions right away.  In fact,
>>all fruits and vegetables that aren't peeled should be washed."
>>Salmonella symptoms, which include fever, abdominal cramps and diarrhea,
>>generally occur one to three days after eating contaminated  food and last
>>two to five days. While most ill individuals recover without medical
>>attention, the infection can be life threatening to young children, the
>>elderly and those with compromised immune systems.
>>------------END ALERT-------------------------
>>please visit me at
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