Hi Heather,

On Thu, 20 Jul 2000 09:11:10 -0700, "Heather King (LCA)"
<hk...@microsoft.com> wrote:

>I have an off-topic question for those of you in the know: Can Ozone hurt
>you in any way? I have an Alpine air cleaner that produces negative ions
>(thus sending attached dust particles to the floor to be cleaned up) but it
>also produces a very robust amount of ozone when the generator plate is
>in/activated. My husband gets extremely nauseous when he encounters the
>ozone, so I only use it for odor control when he's not around. 

>How is this
>able to affect him & is it harmful in any way? Why would someone have that
>kind of reaction to it? Can you be alergic to it? I'm absolutely not
>affected by it & in fact, I rather like the smell. Reminds me of a rainy

Ozone is highly active as a chemical, and can combine with many
particles in the air, sometimes forming mildly (or severely) toxic
chemicals.  Ozone, itself, is also irritating to mucus membranes --
and some people are more sensitive to it (smokers appear to not be

Ozone, produced by UV rays in sunlight, is a primary cause of smog
because it combines with chemicals that result from combustion (cars,
factories, power plants) to produce the heavy chemical stew.

All laser copiers and printers have ozone filters in them to limit the
amount of ozone produced because it can be dangerous to health when
the concentration is too high.

Very weak concentrations of ozone *in the air* might be beneficial to
health (but tests aren't very conclusive on that point).

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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