----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry Reed" <pj20...@home.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Beck machines

>My  husband has cancer. At present
> he is on a strong herbal preparation.  We have the magnetic pulser and
> the electrifier by Sota... We will be
> sure to start slow and look for the reactions you mention.  Have you
> considered getting an ozonator?  Beck recommends it.  It's pretty
> expensive.  We don't have one, but are considering it.  I really don't
> know what it is supposed to do or how effective it is.  Any ideas?  Best
> wishes on your treatment.  pj

I'm sorry to hear that your husband has cancer.

In a book called REVERSE AGING, the author makes a very good case that
getting oxygen into the system is the secondary line of defense -- that as
long as the pH is too acidic, as soon as the oxygen dissipates or is used,
the system may have a difficult time balancing itself again. On the other
hand, if the subject is drinking alkaline water, by definition the water has
more minerals, and thus is able to impart more oxygen to the tissues. You
might want to check out the website below. The company has a water ionizer
that splits the water into acid and alkaline components. I found the
information very
useful. Dave Perkins also sells a water ionizer, similar to the one on the
website but without the ultra-violet disinfecting feature.


If the machines are too expensive for you, you may want to consider buying
gallons of alkaline Willard Water (800-437-2733; they only sell wholesale in
bulk--give them a company name) and using it in conjunction with
mineral-rich Water Oz (800-547-2294). The bottled waters are cheaper in the
short run. Buying a machine may be chaper in the long run if you're
interested in using the waters over an extended period of time.

Good luck.
Nina Silver

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