Hello All,
  Some of you know me and many do not. I am sorry to take up space
but many here are very well read in alternative therapies and I
need help for my friend's daughter. She was diagnosed with crohn's
a few years ago. I had thought they were doing well, we lost touch
when they moved away. I talked with her yesterday and the docs
have basically sent her daughter home to die(22 years old), but
not until they had removed 2/3 of her colon and ileum:(. She told
me she has crohn's from her esophagus down and has growths too.
She has a duodenal bypass. She has also just been diagnosed with a
tumor on her pituitary. They never tested her via GreaterSmokies
etc for pathogens but she has had many rounds of antibiotics of
course. She is no longer able to eat, she gets parenteral
nutrition, exact components I can get? She is on pain management.
I told them about Beck devices and I know about Rife but do not
have a R/B currently. Any ideas on this will be most appreciated. 

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