A zapper will help her a lot.  Don Croft's is easy to use.  pj  Best

Debbie McDonald wrote:
> Hello All,
>   Some of you know me and many do not. I am sorry to take up space
> but many here are very well read in alternative therapies and I
> need help for my friend's daughter. She was diagnosed with crohn's
> a few years ago. I had thought they were doing well, we lost touch
> when they moved away. I talked with her yesterday and the docs
> have basically sent her daughter home to die(22 years old), but
> not until they had removed 2/3 of her colon and ileum:(. She told
> me she has crohn's from her esophagus down and has growths too.
> She has a duodenal bypass. She has also just been diagnosed with a
> tumor on her pituitary. They never tested her via GreaterSmokies
> etc for pathogens but she has had many rounds of antibiotics of
> course. She is no longer able to eat, she gets parenteral
> nutrition, exact components I can get? She is on pain management.
> I told them about Beck devices and I know about Rife but do not
> have a R/B currently. Any ideas on this will be most appreciated.
> Debbie
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