>   Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 18:47:52 -0000
>   From: "OPENMIND-1 " <dsteu23...@aol.com>
>Subject: new flu vaccine
>What do you think about the new flu vaccine?? Hi All & Debs;

Hi All;
No shots for me either. I'm at *very* high risk to die from pneumonia
(aspleenic and 66yrs old) so I get that *one* vaccine. The rest I wouldn't
take if they gave a new Mercedes with it. I hear these fools who say "I get
the flu vaccine for the past 5 years and no flu". Well I have no flu shots
for 30 years and no flu.

You want to protect yourself? Stay off of planes and wear gloves. Most
problems are passed from your fingers to your nose, mouth or eyes. If you
must fly, place a wet handkerchief over your face to keep the mucus
membranes most.

If Barb is on borad, hope she shares her knowledge (which is substantial).

Sending separate post on Vaccine wars.

Synchronisticly I just got this from another list. *Very* enlightening.


>>Hi All,

   I'm sure the CDC is not exaggerating!  My husband's entire family caught
the Flu in Ontario, Canada last year.  The ones that had the Flu shot got it
the worst!  It ultimately cost his 99 year old grandmother her life.  This
was the single worst Flu that I had ever experienced.  I was worried that I
would really die.  My throat was so packed with hard, dry, dark green stuff
that I was actually drinking an old timey cough syrup that I think had
ammonia in it!  I was also popping aspirins like candy for the pain.  For
me, "like candy" is still only half the recommended dosage.  I normally use
natural remedies exclusively, but I was at a relative's house without
natural supplies, and too sick to go get any.  I think the cough syrup was
called Buckley's.  The thing that frightened me the most is that I coughed
up a chunk about an inch long that stayed in the shape of my esophagus!
That Flu is the primary reason that I will not be visiting anyone at
Christmas or New Year's this year with what will be my ONE MONTH OLD child
by then.  No traveling this year!  My husband's Flu left him with a
debilitating cough that just would not go away until he was prescribed a
cough syrup with codeine to relax his diaphram.  Imagine not being able to
eat or sleep because of a constant, violent cough for months on end.  That
alone is enough to kill anybody.  In about half an hour from this very
moment, I will be making a special trip to the store for the ingredients to
make Barb's 4 theive's vinegar.

   For those that missed that post, here is the recipe again:

Ingredients= cayenne pepper, garlic, horseradish, white onions, and ginger.

Chop and combine in equal parts by volume.

Mix in a blender with either organic apple cider vinegar, red wine, or white
wine, and blend to a good mush.

Strain and take 15 tablespoons a day or more when ill.

Can also be used as a disinfectant, and the fumes can be inhaled to clear
nasal passages.



Phil Sr.

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