> Hi group
> Someone I gave a bottle of CS to, has come across Rosemary Jacob's story
> the web.  You probably are familiar with it, but I am not.  She makes
> reading.  PLEASE tell me I am not poisoning others, my children and
> > I need to know that who ever answers this, has done a little reading up
> her and her story.
> > Convince me.
> > Tracy.

Dear Tracy, Roger said it well. My two cents is that I have been using home
made CS for 4 1/2 years now, and am 1) well and 2) not blue, gray or any
other color than pink.
(My hair isn`t gray anymore, thanks to taking B vitamins faithfully!! The
hair that used to be gray is now a golden blonde like when I was a child,
instead of the dishwater my hair had turned at age 20 or so.)
I feel sorry for old Rosemary, but she doesn`t have to be so nasty...

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