Dear Marsha,

Well, I was dark.  Please detail the formula of the B complex so I can
try a similar one here.

> > > Please tell us more about your B-vitamin hair ungraying
> Which B
> > vitamins, and what doses, etc.?  Do you think also taking CS had
> to
> > do with golden blondeness?
> > --Steve
> Dear Steve, I take about 50 mg of B complex every day. Took about 1
year to
> notice the gray was gone. I wish I had a dark haired person to try
this on!
> More visible...
> My STBX is (was) dark, but he never believed me on CS, let alone
> and minerals. Now he has diabetes! Heh heh...serves him right...
> Oooh, I`m gettin` mean.
> I don`t know if CS helped or not. I take a swallow every day as a
> preventive, and for depression.
> Love,
> Marsha

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