On Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:17:07 -0600, Robert L. Berger wrote:

=>To help in understanding I am attaching a .PLT plot of the data
for the above
=>reference work. You will need the program Wplot.exe to open it. If
you do not
=>have it I will send it to individuals as it is about 376 kB and
the list can't
=>handle it.
=>"Ole Bob"

So that Bob won't have to deal individually with sending this
program around I have placed the file on my server and am including
a direct link to download the wplot program:


I have configured the package as a self-extracting zip file so all
you will have to do is save it to a directory on your local hard
disk (c:\wplot32 for example).  Once safely on your hard drive run
the wplot331.exe to extract the program files.  No further
installation is needed but there is a setup program that will
accomplish all this, including generation of shortcuts to your
desktop.  Ask me off list if I've totally confused you and I'll try
again.  ;^)

If other list members have useful programs that they wish to share I
have *plenty* of space available!

George Martin

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