In a message dated 11/29/00 7:31:30 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     Re: CS>Production of Silver Chloride at pH 2
 Date:  11/29/00 7:31:30 AM EST
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
  >  Van der Waals forces and other as yet not understood attractive
 >  A colloid is a dynamic system of dispersive and attractive forces.
 > Ivan: You still haven't explained what forces will push these
 > charged silver ions together into a tiny little ball
 This is very complicated Roger, and is not fully understood by far
 greater minds than mine. Van de Waals force is an attractive force that
 like particles have for each other over short distances. Collisions
 between ions or particles that have a particular vector and energy
 contributes, and there is some evidence that like charges can attract,
 but the work in this area is particularly obscure. However, hydration of
 ions as they leave the anode (point of highest density) limits this
 aggrigation, which is what we aim for , no?

Ivan: Well, perhaps you could start by explaining why such "like-charge" 
attractions do not result in silver ions forming compact balls of positive 
charge in, say, silver nitrate. What special forces are present in the 
formation of CS at the anode that could possibly result in the formation 
compact particles of 20-50 atoms (or should I say ions), where EACH of these 
atoms has a missing electron?  
 >  Most of the large particles found in LVDC CS are those that have
 >  dendrites on the cathode and have regained electrons, and which are
 >  dislodged and re-enter the colloid.
 > Ivan: So, in fact, these larger particles DO NOT HAVE INDIVIDUAL
 silver ions.
 > Isn't that what you're saying? At what CS particle size does each
 silver ion
 > within the particle begin to lose its individual charge? Why does this
 > Can you cite studies that provides evidence for this phenomenon?
 Roger, when silver ions find their way to the cathode they adhere
 loosely to it and to other ions that preceded them. Electrons are
 supplied to them from the cathode, but I have read that this is not an
 instantaneous effect, as the electrons must travel through a mass that
 is not as conductive as the crystaline metal would be. As this
 accululation grows it forms a tree like structure termed dendrites (from
 the latin tree like?) and when disturbed, large particles may break free
 and enter the sol. These particles may still have some atoms missing
 electrons or not.
 Generally these particles will settle out in short order, as Marshall
 notes, but some may remain suspended for a considerable time, and cause
 the colloid to be somewhat turbid.

Ivan: I'm sure your explanation above accounts for the EXTREMELY large 
particles observed, but it certainly does not account for large particles 
produced when a stirred, LVDC, limited current process is used to generate 
CS. I have used this method, and on 3 separate occasions I have observed CS 
'dropout' several days later. Could THESE particles have been composed of 
many individual neutral charge silver atoms AND SOME positively charged 
silver ions as well?  Roger 

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