
There are TONS of studies (properly designed!) that have proved various
aspects of para-normal phenomenom. (YES, I am aware of various frauds
commited by cons and/or magicians over the years. Uri Geller fooled many
people with his phony "psychic" spoon bending, for example. I am not
talking about these charlatans, but legitimate research.)

Rhine did numerous studies at Duke University in the Thirties, and came
up with statistically significant results. His work was never followed
up on much because it has not been "politically correct" to do this kind
of  research in a University setting.

Personal note: I knew a scientist doing VERY hard research at the
University of Colorado. During the day he did what the University
would've called "legitimate" (whatever THAT is) research. In his SPARE
time, when no one else was using the equipment, he used the University
SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interferance Device) to conduct research
that HE wanted to do. The SQUID is an electromagnetically shielded
device that would let you measure minute magnetic fields on a large test
object (such as a person).

His interest was in psychic healers. So he would have them come and
tested them out. He found out that these healers could emit low energy
microwave radiation from their hands (the microwave radiation from a
human body is normal; we weakly emit many frequencies due to a variety
of bodily processes; that's why infrared photography works; we emit
strongly in the infrared.). What was unusual about this, was that it was
CONTROLLABLE, they could increase and decrease the strength at will.

What was his reward at the University for this ground breaking,
significant research? Done on his own time, at no cost to the
University? When higher ups at the University found out he was doing
this, he was FIRED. Last I heard, he was trying to raise funds to buy
his own SQUID to continue his research.

I know hard research done by 2 more scientists, self funded, that showed
some pretty incredible stuff. The above three people I knew personally;
this research has not been published in the main stream science media;
unfortuneately. They would've loved conventional funding, but it is just
NOT available for this type of research. Publishing of reseach in the
main stream science media, is blocked, too.

So, for DECADES, supposed "hard" scientists, have blocked, and destroyed
legitimate research that would LONG ago have answered many of these
questions about the psychic and para-normal.

Rhine's work was great for the Thirties. In the last SEVENTY YEARS,
WHERE is all the research that should've followed his work? Suppressed
by "legitimate" scientists, that's where.

No one on the silver list can identify with this, right?

So far, I am aware of hard, legitimate research (after reading hundreds
of books on the topic) (sometimes multiple studies) proving:

1. Precognition (easy to prove for yourself, if you ever do dream
analysis, you will find precognitive stuff periodically.) By the way,
equations describing time DON'T have an "arrow" of time; ie, the
equations run the same way backwards and forwards. We may "perceive"
time to go only one direction, but that's not what the equations say.
So, seeing stuff in the future may turn out one day to be no different
than "remembering" things from the past.
2. Telepathy (Rhine proved this in the THIRTIES!)
3. Repeatable Telekinesis by ordinary people, over the decay of
radioactive material. (This is very interesting, but too involved to go
into here.) This experiment was repeated at several universities.

There are numerous other examples.

Hope this helps.

Karl Kristianson

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