Dear Russ,
     I haven't seen Malachi Yorks book and have a crash course in using
the small amount of time left to the best.  Several people are
educating me and I have a lot of research to catch up on every minute. 
There are 12 powers that come with DNA reconnection without barithary
being a prerequisite.  I haven't had a chance to research the amygdala
gland since I'm still with the pineal gland but I was told the amygdala
is important for this work.  I will ask about barithary.  
     I am sharing this with you for there is not much time to get it
right.  David did his homework and was/is being watched.  In a couple
of days you may not hear from me again.  The people like me are on the
red list which appears to be going into effect.  This list is abducted
some time before marshall law.  The blue list is reserved for after
marshall law.  The black unmarked helicopters replace trains and there
is an intermediate landing pad for transferring abductees to a larger
Chinook chopper for final destination(death camps) in Ignacio, Co- not
far enough from me.  King.igs/net/~wacoppin has an article, "American
Holocaust", in a menu named, "the truth?".  Cities will become camps of
concentration for the poor in a soldier/police/slave world ordre-
welcome to the cities gates.  See, "protocols of the learned elders of
Zion", at  Elemental separators are in use by the
priestcraft, not because there is gold in the dead sea, because they
don't have the Covenant Ark to make their white powder gold for
ingestion.  When the hundreds of tons of white powder gold was thrown
to the desert winds during the excavation of the Great Pyramid it was
no accident.  The priestcraft are suppressing a nation of prophets. 
Jacobs Ladder was literal Russ.  The patriarchs would go into Egypt to
get the white powder gold from the Pyramid condensor and then ascend
mt. Zion where the Soma Plant seeds were mixed together and consumed. 
The heart of men was heard by god.  The priestcraft have no heart and
made a deal in Babylon to betray messiah for lucifer.  You will see a
king with a symbol of babylonian witchcraft over his head in images and
perhaps even a crown posturing himself as your saviour commanding you
worship him.  The star of David this was not until they left the
captivity of Babylon.  They have been working with their elected
king("we want a king like our neighbors around us"-pifflers)to create
the misery that the world will flock to be saved from.  One of the 12
powers is breaking the addiction to the 20 amino acids.  You won't
starve to death if you abandon the proposed world system.
--- Russ Rosser <> wrote:
> > to understand your personal quest/responsibility
> > requires to see yourself through a functional pineal gland- they've
> > been sure to disable that by age 12.  
> Are you among the FEW (I'm finding) who've heard of Malachi Z. York? 
> His
> Genesis translation mentioned a "barithary" gland--I think associated
> with the pituitary--which imparted the faculties of intuition,
> telepathy,
> biolocation, clairvoyance & telekinesis.  When Man exhibited free
> will
> (partaking of the forbidden fruit), this gland was removed (thus, the
> fall).  York says the pituitary still bears a scalloped-out shape. 
> I've
> never researched all this...
> > You see, even if you were to
> > ingest the white powder gold 
> An avid law researcher was just asking if anyone knows what became of
> David Hudson.  I caught a couple minutes of Mike Segel interviewing a
> Father Martin who referenced white powder gold, and how its adherents
> invariably relocate toward seclusion because of their enhanced
> "sensitivity".  This is interesting, as THEY are herding people
> toward
> the cities economically and increasingly militarily; wilderness
> living
> might become impossible UNLESS one has the aforementioned faculties
> restored!
> > nothing will happen for you unless you
> > understand in 3d conceptulization.  It is very in-depth to even
> > activate this catalyst to begin with.  You don't have time and you
> > can't even pay a university to demystify the priestcraft.
> You have a penchant for dropping teasers.  Do you ever divulge
> esoterica
> plainly?
> > Honestly,
> > Michael
> Plainly, Russ
> --
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