> One of the 12
> powers is breaking the addiction to the 20 amino acids.  You won't
> starve to death if you abandon the proposed world system.

It's interesting to think of food as an addiction (sex, too).  A man I've
mentioned before (the one who published a CD that allegedly emanates
healing vibes) once said that people can live on longwave UV--only.  He
also said that at consciousness "level 64", you don't need food.  His
level was supposedly in the 80's, so I asked if he had done so; he
replied that he hadn't chosen to relinquish food.  (He also was
presumably at a level where you can travel dimensionally, but had chosen
to remain thus far...however, recently I was completely unable to locate
him or anyone who knew his whereabouts...?!)

> There are 12 powers that come 
> with DNA reconnection without barithary
> being a prerequisite.  

At a Predaredness Expo I met Dr. Dora Lofstrum, who had developed the
ability to perform energetic healing.  (Her #1 health recommendation for
me, being already healthy, was SEA SALT.)  She said recent tests had
revealed that her DNA had FIVE STRANDS.

> See, "protocols of the learned elders of
> Zion", at www.thewinds.org

Absolutely among the most relevant & consequential things I'll ever read;
right up there with the Bible & Hegel.  (CAUTION: I tried to visit the
website you mentioned in order to get a digital copy, and it caused me to
have to reinstall Windows this afternoon!  Could be an "Active X"
conflict reconfigured the registry...or coincidence.)  

Keep in touch.

Regards, Russ Rosser  
(256) 546-5945 
fax: (256) 547-7098
cel: (256) 390-1439
304 Old Camp Rd. 
Gadsden, AL 35904