Fantastic Ole' Bob!

I wonder - is there any chance of us getting to see a TEM on this?  I'd
really be interested to see how the particles "size out".

I remain heartily unconvinced that such a turbid solution contains the
"smallest" particles, but I'm certainly willing to be proven wrong.  Perhaps
now we may get an opportunity to start to see the efficacy of ionic vs.
particle silver?

I'm certainly not qualified to make any real educated guesses on the
process.  However, ultimately, it's the end results that are going to count!

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert L. Berger <>
To: Silver-list <>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 1:26 PM
Subject: CS>submerged arc CS Report #1

> Hi Ya'all,
> This is the forst of a series of reports detailing my adventure with
> submerged arc CS.
> It is a "strange animal."
> I have made two runs and a third is in progress now.
> Ihave made a floating electrode assembly similiar to Bill Fernald's, but
> question is that is necessary for silver as things havppen very fast,
> and there is no evaporation of water. With gold that is another story
> which will not be looked at for awhile.
> The first batch was one gallon with equal sized electrodes using 12 kv
> but it didin't work to well. Arc sustain problems. It looked like
> regular HVAC ARC CS but had a bright red T.E. with no sparklies.
> Batch #2 used one #14 and 0ne #18 silver with 6 liters of 0.22 uS/cc DW.
> In 40 minutes I had a CS with a turpidity and color as Frank show on his
> web site. The Spect reading was 5.17 ppm ionic with a conductance of
> 10.0 uS/cc.  After 24 hours the conductance was 7.7 uS/cc and the ionic
> ppm was 2.42.
> To test for particle content I placed 50 cc of CS in a test tube and add
> 5 cc of 35% H2O2. After several hours this was tested with the spec and
> found an adjusted ppm for dilution with H2O2 to be 12.7 ppm.
> I quess this says that sub-arc CS is 16% ionic and 84% particle.
> I find it most interesting that both the ppm and conductance dropped
> overnight.
> Comments. Please,
> "Ole Bob"
> --
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