In a message dated 4/11/01 7:18:30 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj:     CS>Ions vs Particles
 Date:  4/11/01 7:18:30 AM EST
 From: (Robert L. Berger)
 To: (Silver-list)
 Hi  Ya'all,
 More pot stirring!!!
 Just some more confusion to add to the sum of our knowledge.
 Sometimes in the morning if my underarm odor is too offensive I use some
 Ionic CS before the aluminum free deodorant stick.
 Since making the cloudy stuff ala Frank Key and the originator Bill
 Fernald, I keep some in the bathroom.
 Monday morning was a "bad odor day" so I tried the particulate CS, and
 it was of no effect. So I went to the kitchen where the ionic CS is
 located and used it. Walla, no more odor.
 So much for my limited in vitro test.
 "Ole Bob"

Bob: People who don't live in glass bodies don't have to worry about throwing 
stones. If you think you're in that category, I would feel comfortable 
assuming you did an "in vivo" test; a rather interesting one at that. Roger

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