No one we know of has done the research necessary to establish in-vivo
efficacy of any silver product ....let alone comparatives between them.
The product you mention is stabilized at a pH of 4.24 and is clear.  [As you
probably know, blood is 7.4].  When raised to pH7, to simulate the effect on
it of absorption in the body, the silver content precipitates and appears to
become a colloidal suspension with a broad range of particle sizes not
dissimilar to HVAC silvers we have seen.
The solubility issue is another matter.  I meant to repond to Roger's post
with the following:  we've seen and worked with products from concentrations
of 3ppm on the low side to 3,200ppm at the upper end -- the latter one of
several formulations that range to 32,000ppm. So....

  -----Original Message-----
  From: K E Nolan []
  Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 8:28 AM
  Subject: CS>Ions vs Particles

  As a newcomer to the less-than-simple CS scene, I have been intrigued over
the recent debating involving Messrs Quinto, Key, and Anderson - ions or
particles - which are best in vivo? Perhaps there is another aspect that
might alter the equation (including the solubility product equations Roger
Altman has laid out for all). Just came across one web site promoting "ionic

  that claims the real key to long lived silver ions in the body is
complexing, in their case with citrate (plus potassium; ie potassium
citrate?). Perhaps that might equally effect "biodelivery" for particles as
well. Any knowledgeable folks with an opinion?

  sincerely, Kevin Nolan