Thanks, Roger
....guess I did.  But it is not so.  We've got formulations based on our std
10ppm product of 23ppm 34ppm and higher -- all as might be characterized as
ionic.  The truth is no doubt more complex, ie. there is 'ionic' and there
is 'ionic'.  We're working at a level of scientific inquiry that is not
fully understood. The only way we've been able to demonstrate comparative
differences in efficacy is by the in-vitro work we've been doing over the
last eighteen months.  We've been able to consistently demonstrate the
results of these differences. That's why I can only repeat: there is 'ionic'
and there is 'ionic'.  Best,
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 10:27 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Ions vs Particles

  In a message dated 9/28/2001 10:20:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    The solubility issue is another matter.  I meant to repond to Roger's
post with the following:  we've seen and worked with products from
concentrations of 3ppm on the low side to 3,200ppm at the upper end -- the
latter one of several formulations that range to 32,000ppm. So....

  Stephen: Perhaps you've missed the discussion -- over the last several
months -- in which it was put forward (and apparently readily believed by
most) that the solubility limit of ionic silver is 13 PPM. Roger