
Total cancer mortality was reduced by 50% in those taking 200mcg of selenium
(best form: selenomethionine) daily

Glutathione and selenium work in conjunction forming glutathioneperoxidase:
As Dr. A. Novi, a German scientist reported in Science, "the effect of
glutathione, a harmless natural product, on (induced liver cancer) in rats
strongly suggests that this antioxidant merits further investigation as a
potential anti-tumor agent in humans."

Alpha lipoic Acid regenerates vtiamin C and E and glutathione in the cell:


and a new non-toxic cancer drug which is repotedly having great effect is
Poly-MVA. It alters the cell at DNA level, but is expensive:

Good luck

-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Hendrix []
Sent: Thursday, 24 May 2001 08:10
Subject: CS>Cancer

. I don't talk too much on here because I
> usually just lurk. I got on the list to learn how to use the colloidal
> silver. All I have is a Robey CS maker and I really don't care about
> all of the technical stuff. Mostly because it's way over my
>, I have a friend that has cancer of the liver
> that is going to die in the next couple of weeks if she doesn't get
> help. She just found out about it less than two weeks ago herself. I
> don't know how to approach her about alternatives so I'm hoping one or
> more of you nice people would type some thing out on this list for me
> to give to my son (it's his girlfriend) to help this girl. She is 26
> years old with two children. The doctors sent her home to die on
> Monday of this week. Please help me if you can.   Thank You !

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