Dear Solar,
You said:
>Heart disease is now being linked with bacteria. Yep. That includes
coronary artery disease. Plaques on the arterial wall are now thought
to be places where your body is trying to cover over damage caused by
bacteria. Add into this mix the heliobacter that cause ulcers, and you
are starting to see a trend develop.>

Go to and read about homogenised milk - milk forced through
fine gauze at 40,000 pounds pressure.  This causes the hormone IGF-1
[Insulin Like Growth Factor No. 1 which is identical in cows and humans] to
splinter into dangerous shards that are so fine they can pass through the
walls of blood vessels leaving a hole where blood could leak out.  Remember
1 drop of blood contains 5,000,000 -give or take one or two - red blood
corpuscles, and it needs only a minute hole to sneak out.  A message goes to
the brain - we have a leak!  The brain promptly sends a message to the
live - make some cholesterol and go to such and such and plaster the inside
of the wall of the blood vessel...

So we drink milk and consume dairy products and wail - "I can't get my blood
cholesterol down!  My doctor says my liver won't stop making it!"  Why is
there so much heart problems around - the blood can't get through!  Why is
every cancer growing so fast? It's being pushed along by the hormone too.
Still drinking milk, eating cheese, gobbling yoghurt?

Look for the obvious culprit.


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