Is this why I read some time back that *if* you're going to continue to 
drink milk, skim is the least bad option? It's not homogenized.

Judith wrote:
> Go to and read about homogenised milk - milk forced
> through fine gauze at 40,000 pounds pressure.  This causes the hormone
> IGF-1 [Insulin Like Growth Factor No. 1 which is identical in cows and
> humans] to splinter into dangerous shards that are so fine they can
> pass through the walls of blood vessels leaving a hole where blood
> could leak out.  Remember 1 drop of blood contains 5,000,000 -give or
> take one or two - red blood corpuscles, and it needs only a minute
> hole to sneak out.  A message goes to the brain - we have a leak!  The
> brain promptly sends a message to the live - make some cholesterol and
> go to such and such and plaster the inside of the wall of the blood
> vessel...

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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