CMO  is the acronym for Cetyl Myristoleate, a distinctive fatty wax derived, 
primarily, from a series of reductilon treatments of animal tallow (cattle 
principally).  It has been found to possess a singularly unique character 
expressing itself through the ability to "turn-off" the phagocytic "T" cells 
native to the synovial fluid in the articulating joints of higher 
mammals......especially anthropoids.  The reason CMO is employed is that such 
becomes desireable whenever these "T" cells' normal programming goes awry and 
instead of limiting themselves to scavenging detritus matter and associated 
waste debris they start to attack living tissue fields.....with serious 
destructive results to tissue within the capsule joint-----most especially 
cartilaginous material.
                This material has been discussed at great length in 
correspondences found in the Archives of this list.
                    Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. 
---- Original Message ----- 
  From: Quietcove 
  Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 12:11 AM

  still don't know
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: JudytheK 
    Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 12:11 AM

    Please, what is CMO?
      -----Original Message-----
      From: brooks bradley []
      Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 8:31 PM
      Subject: CS>OT: RECENT RESULTS

           To all interested list members.   Recently, through a rather 
serendipitous circumstance, we discovered that a variation of our original 
arthritis protocol appears to offer a welcome reinforcement/improvement 
                  We have been experiencing a significant incidence (20 to 25%) 
of re-incursion of measureable arthritic symptoms----especially among our older 
experimental volunteers-----primarily, but not exclusively of the 
osteoarthritis types.  We invoked several different variations of our protocol, 
involving changes in the different percentages----and protocol 
components......and experienced some intersting results.
      Without trying your patience through relating what did not yield 
effective address, I will relate.....what did.
                  The most rapid, and effective alleviation came through a 
significant increase in each affected volunteer's quantitative intake of 
gluscosamine and chondroitin.  e.g.  In those cases formerly---but no 
longer---satisfactorily responsive, the daily dosage 
was----essentially----doubled (i.e. from 2000 mg GS to 4000mg).
      In  some cases, to 6000 mg.  The response was dramatic and quite 
rapid.....considering the age of the volunteers and the fact that the body's 
utilization of these compounds is measureably less rapid than those more 
directly linked to the blood-borne constitutents of the cardiovascular system.  
Definitive improvement manifested in a majority of cases....within 4 
days.....or less.     
                  Additionally, from among the "affected" population about 25% 
displayed delayed---or small---response......even to the increased dosage of GS 
and Chrondroitin.  Significantly, a ten day course of CMO corrected EVERY ONE 
of these laggard cases.  Although only 4 in number, I believe it safe to infer 
a similar number of persons from among the general population-at-risk, may 
express the tendency to experience "relapses" relative to the activity of the T 
cells located in the synovial fluid of the joint capsule.  If in fact, this is 
the case, it might be wise for older sufferers of arthritis centered in 
articulating seriously consider a prophylactic course of 
CMO------annually.   The Walmart Corporation now carries  CMO under the Natrol 
brand name (90 capsules for about 28.00).  We utilized it, together with 
others, and found it to be just as effective as products we paid 100.00 for.  
This is not an endorsement......just our findings.
              All of the volunteers involved in the above-mentioned 
circumstance are, presently, maintaining the increased levels of  GS and 
Chrondroitin----some at the 6000 mg of GS level.  Only one from a population of 
16 has experienced continuing complications and these are the result of an 
additional physical insult and a pronounced condition of varicosity (which 
presents a continuous environnment of invasive fluids into the joint capsule).
      He is opting for Radio Frequency Ablation type sclerotherapy......which 
we believe will successfully resolve his primary problem.
                  I apologize for this lengthy post and will try to move any 
further commentary to the  Alternative  Silver list.
                  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
      p.s.  Interested parties might consider switching to Enzymatically 
Hydrolyzed Collagen as a source for a chrondroitin-like it is, 
essentally, the near equal of C. Sulphate and is MUCH LESS expensive, being 
only about $10.00 for a quart container of powder.  Most Walmart stores carry 
this product in their supplement section.  I am not shilling for Walmart;  they 
just seem to be convenient-----and economical for our "tight-fisted" buyer.