On Sun, 15 Jul 2001 17:32:55 -0600, "Marshalee Hallett" <liah...@utah-inter.net>

>Dear Chuck, I just read the whole article carefully, and thoughtfully.
>I`m not only appalled at what I`m doing to myself, I just checked the label
>on the bag of food I feed my beloved Pug dogs. It is called Precise brand.
>The second, third, and fourth ingredients are grains!!! No wonder so many
>animals are developing diabetes. Wow!
Yeah, limiting grains was new to me, too. 
Notice I said limiting, I believe in tempering what appears to be radical
 I think anything by Dr Atkins to be a MUST read. The guy keeps up with what's
going on even after 30 or 40 years. He's even up on growth hormone therapy.
Protein Power is excellent too.

>(Anyone know of a totally meat dog food? Or at least one without grain?)

Yeah, but it costs an arm and a leg (heh, heh).

>  I have been taking Vanadium and Chromium in my supplements for several
>years now. 
Yeah, I gotta add vanadium.

>The next best thing is for me to be walking the huge campus of Brigham Young
>University every day. I`ve gotten more exercise since May 1st than in the
>last 3 years combined, I`ll bet!!
I'll bet that walking is a big plus!

> Well, thanks for putting that info on the List, I`d never have known about
>it if you hadn`t!
You're welcome. 
Another book to find is "Sugar Blues". Well worth getting a copy.
Homogenous: A brilliant gay!

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