Lyme is a real toughy.  More is better pretty well, a quart of more of CS taken
thoughout the day is not unreasonable.  Also best to supplant with other
protocols, such as ozoanated water, magnetic pulsing and blood electrification
or zapping according to the beck protocol in my opinion.

Ehrlichiosis may be easy like most bacteria, or hard like Lyme, just don't


Debbie wrote:

> Marshall Dudley wrote:
> >
> > I am not sure we missed it so much as not having an answer.  I have never
> > heard of ehrlichiosis before.
> HI Marshall, that is why I drew the connection to lyme, I would follow a
> lyme protocol and wondered if the feelings here had changed any with
> dosing schedules for lyme treatment. Thanks much, Deb
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