Hi Bill,
The book by Zane Baranowski should be available on Amazon.

For what its worth I consider CS at 5 to 10 ppm ,and remember its the size of 
the particle that's important not the oft touted 30,40,50,100 ppm  ~ the way 
the ppm are arrived at would leave a lot to be desired .however that said from 
my reading sand understanding a little often  is a good rule make sure you have 
 1 teaspoon/dessertspoon 1st thing in the morning  and leave in your mouth for 
a good 2 minutes swilling it and then swallowing it.

so long as you are healthy that should be enough for your system to replace 
what is no longer available in the "Food" we eat.
if at any time you come down with an illness increase your dosage e.d. cold you 
need to increase the number of time you take CS also with a cold it has been 
said you also need to put a couple of drops into both your ears, you can also 
spray your nostrils.
Burns.( inc sunburn|) spray immediately and then in 15 minute intervals if its 
a light burn the pain usually disappears ,if the burn needs covering spray also 
the band aid/bandage.
Pimples spray throughout the day.

Sore throats use as a gargle and then swallow.

For serious Illness please see my intro post which refers to Nadine Wooley's 
Book how to beat MS she gives a lot of detail on the illness and also on CS and 
again she points out the particle size is the important thing not the ppm 

( take a look at the report from Brigham Young University .)
Dental: not experience but story told to me An engineer was working in Mexico 
and came down with an abscess a co worker suggested and gave him some CS  and 
instructed him as follows leave it in your mouth for 15 minutes  then swallow 
and repeat in 1 hour. The result was pain left him on the 1st application  and 
the abscess went down with the 2nd application.
After cleaning my teeth ( fluoride free toothpaste) I take a second does or 
spray my mouth with CS
As you mentioned that you liked charts etc the link below will keep you fully 
occupied for some time and has excellent information


regards & good luck