Very interesting Brooks. Thank you for the good information
and for thinking about us CS users.
Tom Bassett
----- Original Message -----
From: brooks bradley <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 6:16 PM
Subject: CS Tip of Possible Interest

                Recently, we completed an investigation which yielded 
information I believe to be of possible
value to the list membership.
             While it is well known that CS solutions as weak as 5 ppm are of 
value when impinged upon the
surfaces of conventional air conditioning filters, there was small data 
available as to how effective.  We
found that approximately 3 ounces of 10 ppm CS  sprayed over (both sides) of a 
20" X  20" X 1" AC intake
filter.....once every 10 days, reduced the general viable bacteria/virus 
populations (expressing on the filter
surfaces)  to 5%--or less--of those found on the control filters.  In some 
cases, where 20 ppm was used, and
the interval for filter cleaning shortened to 7 days----the efficacy improved 
to better than 98%.  It is of
interest to note that some filters were mechanically/pneumatically cleaned by 
simply knocking them against a
screened surface and exposing to 60+ psi  cleaning via air hose nozzles  4 
times....before being replaced with
new ones-----without substantial degradation in overall system performance.
            Of note was, free-air samples from areas serviced by  a $1000.00 
air-scrubber,  contained  MORE
live pathogens.....than did the CS test  areas utilizing the foregoing 
arrangement of CS impregnated intake
            One word of caution.....because of the large, initial,  wetted 
surface  of the intake filter it
would be prudent to check the filter for heavier-than-usual accumulations of 
dirt/dust particulates  at about
5 days. after the initial installation..  This is of special importance in 
areas exhibiting high dust
concentrations.   It may be of import for members to know that approximately 
80% of all A/C system failures
have their primary cause as "restricted air flow"......mainly from occluded 
intake filters (this includes, but
is not limited to:  frozen evaporator surfaces, compressor failure due to 
excessive work-load, continuously
high discharge pressures,etc.)
                                    I hope this information is of value to some.
                                            Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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