At 01:07 PM 09/15/2001 -0400, you wrote:
Maybe I am just being sensitive but what is an "alternative view"?

Any view other than that presented to us by the lying, cheating, and controlled media.

If anyone can't understand that, they need to read the statement made by the "Dean of Journalism" himself at a conference of reporters.

He said..... "There is not one man here that can say or write what he believes or thinks. If he did he would be out of a job before morning".

Unfortunately, I don't recall his name, but I do have the document. Finding it would be a task.

Of course we all have alternative views, or we would not be on this list, or even be human for that matter.

Sometimes my alternative view is 49 %, other times it is 51 %, and at other times it is 90 or 100 %.

I have some reservations about this "WAR". Seems the media has overused it a bit.

If ole bin Laden is have as smart as I think he is, he will try to kill 2 Americans for each of his people that are killed.

I think there exist hundreds of groups of terrorist in this country. When the time comes, they will pull the cork on some very wicked stuff.


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