Hi Nina et al:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nina Silver" <ni...@bestweb.net>

Very true, Nina, and well said...

> Hi Folks.
> My companion used to use Biotone for massage until I pointed out that it
> contains Oleth 3. According to Judi Vance, author of BEAUTY TO DIE FOR,
> ingredient is a glycol. Glycols are used to emulsify ingredients in
> cosmetics and body care creams and lotions. Unfortunately, as a group
> glycols are not optimal to use, since they can be carcinogenic and/or
> in other ways and cause adverse reactions.

However, the amount of DEAs and similiar substances that the average person
exposes to their body on a daily basis is hudreds of times more than the
diluted cream after it is made.  Not shampooing the hair one day that one
normally would makes up for the "increased" exposure by far.  Not to
discount your points, because they are extremely valid.  That's why I
referred to the biotone as a lesser of evils.  That's also one reason why I
don't sell a cream.  I would use jojoba oil, which is my favorite massage
oil of choice, but it frankly doesn't work.  It works great for massage and
as a standard carrier, but performs extremely poorly where dermal infections
are concerned.  I cannot stress the fact enough that one does not want any
substance sitting on top of the skin unless one has a specific reason for
it.  What you do to see how things really work, is you strip-clean the skin
of it's natural balancing oils, and then you see what these products really

The best creams in the world, that I have found, come in very, very small
containers where a half-ounce is a six month supply.  I worked with an
Australian Botanist a few years ago who developed the most extraordinary
cream ( coined Omnicron ).  Although he did receive USP approval, our US
government told him to never put it on the common market, that he would be
permitted to sell it underground only.  This after a fight about disclosure
of how the cream was made.  The prime principle of this particular cream was
developed after the botonist spent six months in the mojave desert studying
a very rare cactus which thrived in environments where there was NO
rainfall.  The cream used NO hydrating additives.  Instead, it pulled pure
water in minute quanties from the surrounding air.  It is possible that the
government was interested in the cream for defense projects.  During the
period where he was being harrassed, we had to grant him safe solace on a
private peice of property where the arms of these particular thugs could not
reach ( it should be noted, however, that this botonist had little to no
diplomatic disposition, although in the end I really don't think that should
matter ).

I don't think I will ever be able to re-develop that exact cream, but I
strive to apply the principles I've learned through the experience.

It should be stated, however, that all my own personal work is geared toward
allowing a person to freely operate in the world without great fear of every
substance one touches.  If the body is restored to optimal functionality,
then one has little fear of more common environmental exposures.  If one's
body is not in optimal condition, no amount of careful practices beyond the
absolute extreme will prevent the body from adsorbing these substances which
consequently will do harm.  If one has to think about their healthcare every
moment of the day, then one is only a slave ( this, speaking, for the
average person and not those on special programs to combat specific
disease ).  Today's world is what it is.  Perhaps the world of the future
will be a more favorable place, it is something worth working towards.

The greatest successes I've had is where a problem is identified, dealt
with, eliminated, and the person can get back to LIFE, without another
thought about the condition, but perhaps with a bit more consciousness
awareness of how nature and the world works.

But fear, in any form, is the great killer of spirit.

> Biotone happens to be one of the better brands of skin creams available.
> Massage practitioners like it because it absorbs so well into the skin.
> Oleth 3 is the eighth out of ten ingredients that comprise Biotone. One of
> the chief ingredients is listed as "Canadian canola oil," and is probably
> genetically engineered--although due to the several phases that rapeseed
> Canola, short for "Canadian oil") has gone through, it is hard to say for
> fact that the specific oil in Biotone is genetically engineered.

I have a hard time believing that any ingredients in Biotone cream are
genetically engineered, but stranger things have happened and I'm going to
try to do some research on the subject.

> Peace to you all.
> Nina Silver
> --

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