Thank you all for your interest in the cream.  Sadly, I do not nor cannot sell 
any products at this time.  It REALLY is not difficult to produce.  Biotone 
cream can usually be purchased from a massage resale store ( make sure to get 
the cream and not the oil ).  When acquiring essential oils, make sure that 
they are pure, and if at all possible not extracted using alcohol.

Terry, I'm sorry to hear about the sensitivity to the biotone cream, it is 
rare.  Keep in mind ( for yourself ) that there is a big difference between 
using biotone cream straight and biotone cream as a base.  The developed end 
product is extremely watery - moreso than the average soup.  An ounce of the 
final product can last a month, even if used daily for the hands and face.  A 
"drop" is placed on the finger and massaged into the skin - this process is 
repeated for a uniform "coat".  For the feet, it is lightly coated on.

My choice for the biotone cream is currently a default choice.  It's the lesser 
of the "evils" that I've tested.  I needed to develop a cream that did not 
promote the spread of bacteria 20 minutes after application as it began to 
break down, one that did not clog pores nor overly irritate the skin ( the 
essential oils are a very light irritant when used properly, but the effect 
subsides about three minutes after application as the essential oils are 
adsorbed and is part of the desired effect ), and one did not just sit on top 
of the skin and attract dirt ( which in turn irritates the skin which in turn 
creates a favorable environment for bacteria ).

The finest formula I've been able to develop I cannot currently create due to 
cost of raw materials.  The prime emulsifying and binding agent is chitosan, 
the secondary ingredient is real crushed pearls - possibly with some natural 
moss used for thickness.  It, of course, is imperative that the end formula be 
created without the use of heat, which rules out all of the "common" agents, 
even if they WERE desireable agents.  Even the really fine oils such as olive 
oil, jajoba, almond and grapeseed, all tend to have less than desireable 
effects after being on the skin for an extended period of time ( when dealing 
with incredibly sensitive skin ).

Biotone cream does have a fragrance from the essential oils and plant extracts 
that are used.

Futhermore, my original design ideas had to fullfill the prerequisite of the 
substance being able to be applied under makeup.  The people I worked with at 
the time were serious public performers who constantly dealt with skin problems 
due to the high amount of makeup that the profession requires be applied.  

Although I did not succeed to my satisfaction at that time, later work with 
extremely severe adult onset acne placed me in a catch 22 position.  With 
intensive healing clay treatments, I could pull much of the infection out of 
the skin in a relatively short period of time.  However, a byproduct of using 
too much clay to the face ( over and over again during the day ), is the 
dehydration of the skin, which in turn creates the ideal environment for the 
bacteria to reinfect the tissues.  The treatment of both boils and cysts is not 
rapid, and skin infections of these types tend to be cyclic.  Because of this 
problem, the best I could achieve  was extreme reduction in pain and a gradual 
cessation of the condition, with the infection losing hold a bit more after 
each cycle ( all these in situations where it was not possible to do two to 
three clay packs daily because of circumstances ).

----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 7:26 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Athletes foot

  In a message dated 09/14/2001 5:22:48 AM Central Daylight Time, writes: 

    Do you sell this cream? I would be very interested in buying some, if you 
    Joseph Brabet. 

  So would I !! 
