Dear Mr. Coombs,
            Without digressing into minute detail, I believe I can offer you
some rational, practical suggestions.....for employment in a home situation.
              Our resident biological pathogen expert offers several simple,
but helpful suggestions.
                First, keep a supply of about 2 to 3 gallons (per person) of
uncontaminated water stored on-hand.  If it is not in a sealed or controlled
atmosphere......cycle it out through domestic consumption  every 4 months
(minimum).  Arrange to drape double-thickness cheese-cloth or open-pore
muslin over the inside of all exiting (outside opening) doors.  Maintain a
supply of at least 4 central-air intake filters.  If one is very anxious
over the possibility of bio-terrorism, especially of the air-borne vectors,
just roll the cheese cloth drapes up on a dowel-rod over the doorway and
secure them with a tie-string -----they can be instantly dropped.  The
better way to construct these is to use two vertical pieces, wide enough to
provide about a 6" overlap....thus allowing the minimum intrusion of outside
air, when passing though.
            It is a good idea to spray the entire surface of each
cheese-cloth/muslin-type screen with 10 to 15ppm CS and allow to dry before
rolling up.  If a known pathogen
dispensed into the local atmosphere, it would be prudent to dampen the
cheese-cloth filters immediately-----this greatly enhances the
particle-entrapment capablities.  Immediately change the CS impregnated
central-air filters in your system-----even if they have only been installed
for a few days.
            Additionally, unless your dwelling is a "very tight" structure,
it would be prudent to breathe through a "home-made" veil made from a
handerchief saturated with CS-----at least for the initial period of
suspected fallout.
            The most desireable circumstance relating to water, is to have
your individual sub-surface well.
              Because of the positive pressure effects of a central-air
system, one would be best served to stay indoors as long as possible after
an atmospherically-based insult.
                All of these simple suggestions reflect a common-sense
approach.  Beyond reasonable preparations for the practical-minded,
paranoia-induced mental challenges may cause more damage than the potential
pathogenic agent-----not the least of which might be the destruction of your
                                    Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
----- Original Message -----
From: "D.W. Coombs" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 5:19 PM
Subject: CS>Fwd: Bio-Terrorism

> >To: Y'ALL
> >From: "D.W. Coombs" <>
> >Subject: Bio-Terrorism
> >
> >Hi All,  At this terribly tragic time ,  I think it wise and prudent  to
> >consider the increasing possibility of bio-terrorism.  Someone close to
> >us, who is in "Emergency Management"  mentioned his concern regarding the
> >water supplies.  He said this early on in the discoveries of the
> >disasters.  My suggestion is:  We  brush up and post what we know and
> >a concerted discussion regarding what we can do to protect our loved
> >ones  in the event of "the next step".    God Bless America  ..... God
> >Helps Those That Help Themselves.  LC
> >
> >  P.S. What I've got in mind is not a debate about whether a biological
> > attack might happen; rather, if it happens what can we do to save
> > ourselves and those around us. I've read that the most likely agents are
> > anthrax and mycoplasma. What can ordinary citizens do to deal with
> --
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