One thing to keep in mind is that I don't usually a powder, unless I'm
testing a manufacturer's processed bentonite.  I use the raw stuff directly
from a subterranean vein, which is almost in rock form.

When using the powder, it's best to start with hot water added to a large
glass container ( this simply makes mixing a bit easier ).  Then, add the
equivalent of 1 tablespoon of bentonite power per 8 ounces of water, as a
minimum amount.  Mix thoroughly.  After time, with such little bentonite in
the water, the bentonite may settle toward the bottom of the container.  It
is a simple matter to remix the sol in a time of need ( by simply aggitating
the container ).  However, if one continues to add more bentonite,
tablespoon by tablespoon, there will come a point when the solutions becomes
uniform - a point where settling will not occur, and yet the product is
still aqueous.  This is ideal, and the exact point where the crystalline
properties of clay begin to be harnessed.  Each clay is a bit different,
some requiring more and some requiring less water to achieve this state.

However, if one has never used bentonite internally, it is best to use
bentonite diluted until the body adjusts to its use.

Of course, the highest quality water is always desireable.  Still, there is
no reason not to use tap water, or even colloidal silver.

Speaking of which, I'm still puzzled as to exactly how healing clays and
colloidal silver work together, but there is no longer any doubt in my mind
that they work together well.

For instance, cold sores, I have found, are eliminated more than 50% more
rapidly than with healing clay alone, or colloidal silver alone ( both
solutions work days faster than the best OC drug on today's market ).  In
fact, if treated within the first six hours or so of noticeable
manifestation, they can be arrested within the first few hours of treatment,
and be eliminated by the next day ( a key note is not to allow the
bentonite/silver magma dry, for this can cause needless tissue irritation,
with no added benefit ).

The base substance of bentonite clay ( which in reality comes nowhere near
the actual natural substance ) is Al2 SiO5.  Upon hydration, bentonite
becomes negatively charged.  Theoretically, it is my supposition that ionic
silver would be sorpted to the wide surface areas of the clay, and exchanged
later when the clay comes in contact with other organic matter ( as this
organic matter is also sorpted ).  However, this is only a theory, and
chemists who specialize in layer charge characteristics, and other
specialties specific to crystalline/clay substances are rather hard to come

> The "clay water" you refer to is just ordinary distilled or perhaps
> spring water with a handful of bentonite powder thrown into it and
> allowed to settle? You drink the the liquid alone or do you shake it up
> to be sure you get the clay itself?

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