Why hasn't Terri's list contribution stirred up some discussion? (See below if 
you missed it)

Come on, you knowledgeable folk, why aren't you rising to the challenge?

I bet Oprah would welcome doing a show on CS - it's such a controversial 
subject and Oprah loves controversy.

If I wasn't such a green newcomer  I'd rise!

Jan Carew

-----Original Message-----
From: annho...@aol.com <annho...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: CS>Magazine Quack alert article

Hi all, 
I picked up a copy of Oct. Oprah magazine a few days ago and found an 
interesting article.  On page 143... "Quack Alert" (pictured next to a bottle 
of snake oil).  This article addresses alternative, "unproven" and possible 
dangerous modalities for health treatment.   
In red letters ... "Touts a treatment without studies" which talks about CS.  
It goes on to says "according to stories, its helped arthritics throw away 
their crutches and treated everything from acne to AIDS".  Just when you 
thought it gets good.. theres that   "But... you can't be sure the people who 
were helped had any properly diagnosed problems"  says Ruth Kava, PhD, director 
of nutrition for the Amer. Council on  Science and Health.  She then says  
"...and of course the stories could be totally fabricated". 
Then it says " Key  C.S. into PubMed's database and instead of miraculous 
recoveries you'll find studies that associate longtime use of the solution to 
argyria, a condition that turns your skin gray - permanently." 

In with the CS article, they talk about Fat burning pills, magnets, ear 
candles, brain stiumlators, unethical pracitioners, chelations, ETC.,  and as 
they put it..."other candidates for the Quack Hall of Fame".   

Oprah has a vast following, its a shame CS got such a bum rap.  Maybe a few of 
the more CS knowledge gang on the list could forward their sites and the 
studies done by some of the universities to Oprahs website. Who knows, maybe 
they could stir up enough curiousity and get on an  alternative show for Oprah! 

Terri L.