RE: Quackbuster types. I mailed a bottle of CS to a friend in PA. She had
been treated without success for 11 months by her surgeon for a post-op
open-wound infection at the incision site. She was healed after topical use
for 3 days. The doctor now recommends CS to all his patients for use on his
incisions for 3 days!
I don't know whether it speaks ill of the doc's cleanliness.  More likely
the problem is in the hospital. My point is that you change medical minds
one person at a time. That is the true challenge and the true answer -- and
it is slowly happening, I believe.
One way to change minds is to say "yes" when accused accurately.  Argyria?
"YES with silver protein, never with CS" gets people to listen. One person
at a time.
Judy Down Maine

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