On Mon, 1 Oct 2001 07:10:18 -0700, Carol wrote:
>Forgive the length of this but this debunks Linus  Paulings theory
>on vitamin C as a fraud.  Makes you think twice on taking  the
>stuff.  Carol

I belong to an alternative cancer group here in Australia.

This document has been getting around for a while. This has got to be 
a fake! It seems to be the opposite of the truth. The medical 
profession has something to gain by discrediting Vitamin C because it 
is not good for business. Will doctors promote CS from their offices? 
Of course they wont. So it is with C.  Vitamin C has been given to 
cancer patients with good results - there have been no cautions 
raised from the alternative industry. Others have tested vitamin C 
too with positive results. 

The establishment has a long and proven track record in persecuting 
cancer reseachers using litigation, lies, and deception. Why should 
this document be any different?

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