> All I can suggest is that you try Vitamin C and see if it works for you,
for me it works, so I wonder what the agenda really is with all this writing
against Vitamin C, what in it for those who say it does not work?
> Blessings
> Ted


I agree, vitamin C does work.  Intravenously, it has single handedly saved
animals that were on death row.  As with anything, what works for one,
doesn't necessarily work for another.  But there will always be those who go
against "truth" and whether they do it out of ignorance, greed, or malice -
they will exist, while we are living and experiencing the benefits.  Just
like CS.  Pharmaceutical companies wouldn't make any money with CS as most
people would make their own (smart folks like those on this list!).  How
ridiculous when CS has no side effects and our bodies don't develop a
tolerance to it like traditional antibiotics.

Even the coffee enemas that the article stated were not beneficial for
cancer patients WORKS.  It's one of the standard alternative methods used in
treating cancer...

Tho it does sound like he "over" treated some patients (cmon, 99 remedies
for the woman with cancer?  Gads!).  Taking that many remedies is enough to
kill you!   I've never heard of vitamin C overdose (just diarrhea!) and all
my books tell me it is good for colds, cancers, etc.

Keep that vitamin C on hand!


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