The voltage tripler makes sense for the Beck pulser device, because you wear it
and batteries are heavy and bulky, so one battery is better than 3.

It's a nice project for CS makers, but not really necessary. 

Even battery eliminators come in different voltages, so pick one up that puts
out what you want. I've even come across them at closeout discount stores that
allow you to select at least 3 different voltages. Cheap too, $4 or $5.
Look in the audio electronics section. Don't even worry about current ratings,
anything you get will be more than you need. Just get the DC voltage you need
(up to maybe 35volts).
Every program has at least one bug and one unnecessary instruction--therefore,
every program can be reduced to one instruction that doesn't work!

On Mon, 8 Oct 2001 19:31:27 -0600, "S & J Young" <> wrote:

>Of course, you will actually spend MORE on batteries with your
>converter-tripler.  The current draw from the battery will be more than 3
>times from the three nine volt batteries, since the converter efficiency is
>probably around 70 to 80%.  Thus you will have to replace the batteries more
>than 3 times as often.  You can't fool Mother Nature ,  the laws of physics,
>conservation of energy, etc.

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