Mike D wrote:

"Well, it might have a tie-in to CS if we discover it makes a better 
product to use structured water to make it...
It would probably be best to limit yourself to a few messages per 
thread every once in a while as you do your development. Detailed 
questions can be taken off list as you go, or for more involved 
discussions use the silver-off-topic-l...@yahoogroups.com.
I'm willing to see any health related question asked and answered,
with discussion of non-CS-related things taken off list once initial
curiosity is satisfied and useful resources pointed out. Do report your results!
Be well, Mike D."

Not a problem so far, Mike. Seems no one has any shareable experience. Still, I 
would like to here from anyone who also wants to try out 
"structured/conditioned water" on a budget. Even if you're a vendor - let us 
know whether the stuff actually works for you!
                        regards, Kevin