Dear Friends,
My 15-pound full-size Chihuahua, Zuma, has a free-floating fatty tumor
(about 10 mm) in the loose skin where one of her back legs meets the side of
her body. She developed the tumor after lying on a Nikken bi-polar magnetic
car seat every day for many hours, over the course of about 3 months. (I do
not have that item any longer and strongly advise AGAINST using Nikken

The almost useless (and very expensive) holistic vet I consulted said that
the tumor appeared benign, and since it's free-floating she wouldn't worry
about it. However, this tumor is growing, albeit slowly. I've reached the
point where I feel I must do something about it. Otherwise, Zuma appears
very healthy and in good spirits.

Zuma eats primarily raw foods--veggies, meat, bones, some fruit, and
occasionally some cooked grain and cooked leftovers (99% organic). I tried
giving her ground up apricot kernels for awhile, but anything over 1/4
teaspoon made her throw up and I didn't see an appreciable change. Ground up
flax seeds SEEMED to make the tumor shrink slightly, but I can't be sure.
She does not seem to digest fats particularly well, so I have almost
eliminated them from her diet, with a close watch on her coat and skin to
make sure they don't get dry. This to me indicates possible liver problems,
so I'm giving her one A-F Betafood tablet from Standard Process every day.

I just started giving her Rife sessions, concentrating on some cancer
frequencies. I am considering giving her cottage cheese and flax seed oil.
How much do you recommend?

Even more than the cottage cheese/flax oil, however,   injecting Colloidal
Silver directly into the tumor seems to be the best idea. HOW WOULD I GO
ABOUT DOING THIS? Can I obtain needles from an animal supply house? How far
into the tumor should I put the needle? Right in the center?

And how often should I inject?

I'd appreciate all help.

Nina Silver

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