Nina ~

Needles can be obtained from your local feed store and some pet stores carry
them.  Needles come in different gauges.  I'd look for a tiny one, as I hate
needles.  I believe they have certain sizes that they normally give for dog
vaccines.  Years ago when we vaccinated, I think the needles were 12 gauge,
but don't quote me on that.  I would inject the center of the tumor once and
wait 24 hours to see the results.   I would venture to guess you will see
results immediately.

Are you presently giving her CS in her water?

Do you have the cottage cheese/flax seed oil website info?  I can't find the
site at this time, but I would think it would help you decide on how much to
give her.

You can also order syringes with needles through Jeffers 1-800-jef-fers.
They sell a lot of great animal stuff at reasonable cost and have tons of
syringes with and without needles to choose from.

Please let us know what you do and how things work out for your girl!

Hugs & Howls,

Julie & Critters

I am considering giving her cottage cheese and flax seed oil.
> How much do you recommend?
> Even more than the cottage cheese/flax oil, however,   injecting Colloidal
> Silver directly into the tumor seems to be the best idea. HOW WOULD I GO
> ABOUT DOING THIS? Can I obtain needles from an animal supply house? How
> into the tumor should I put the needle? Right in the center?
> And how often should I inject?
> I'd appreciate all help.
> Thanks.
> Nina Silver

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