I recently bought a Hanna PWT from, I think, the same vendor you did.
It came with dead batteries.
When I contacted the vendor, I was told to take it up with the manufacturer!

Other than this exception, ANYBODY I have dealt with on the net has backed up
their products 100%.
 I expect a product to work especially brand new out of the box, or made right
by the dealer I bought it from.

You know who you are and you will not get a recommendation from ME!!!

Oh, no, not another learning experience! 

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 16:28:41 -0500 (Central Daylight Time), "Bill"
<> wrote:

>I am curious as to how you test accurately to get the ppm of CS. I bought my
>generator and a Hanna tester and followed instructions to a 'T'. I found
>that using Distilled Water the Hanna tester wouldn't tell me the ppm. This
>was after calibrating it according to instructions. The generator
>manufacturer said not to add salt. I didn't. He said the only thing the
>Hanna tester tested was the salt but that I shouldn't use it.I told him that
>sounded like double talk to me. I had quite a back and forth with him and
>finally when I told him that the Hanna tester was useless and he shouldn't
>have encouraged me to buy it he no longer replied to my questions.
>    Bill

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