And if you have occasion to spray the manzanita with gold paint for
decorations..who wants plain old manzanita when you can eat gold
manzanita.!!??....I did get them away from it so they did not ingest
much,,fortunately no poison oak here but car tops....aren't they there for
the goats...:-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marshalee Hallett" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 6:58 AM
Subject: Re: CS>The many miracles of goat milk

> > Very interesting Thelma. The only thing I have
> > to add, from experience, is cows are much less likely
> > to dance on the roof of your car!
> >
> > Also goats are brush eaters rather than grass eaters,
> > so maybe that is where the difference is? Mine sure
> > loved poison oak and manzanitta.
> >
> > Gary
> That`s true! My Saanen doeling loved to hop from the ground, to the car
> roof, then up to the van roof and jump down to do it all over again!
> She also loved to race with my sister`s 4 Great that was a
> sight!!
> As to the poison oak, mine ate it and laid in it. I got a nasty case of
> poison oak on the insides of my legs when I straddled her to trim her toes
> one day, while wearing shorts!!!!!
> Yikes! Wish I`d had CS back then.
> Marshalee
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