Marshalee I had no idea you were a goat person.  I raise Reg. Saanen and
Alpine goats.  Mostly Saanen.  We love our goats, make cheese, soap, etc.
Had a Fall kidding a few weeks ago which was a big surprise for Minnesota.
Our two new babies are the most active we've ever seen.  They jump onto the
back of my Lincoln ram and he gives them rides around the pasture.  Craziest
thing we've ever seen.  We've been raising sheep for handspinning and goats
for about 8 years now and have never had this happen before.  The ram
protects these goat babies as if he's somehow given birth to them.   He's
quite attached to them.  This brings me to ask a CS goat question.  I was
told that you cannot give goats or sheep CS orally as it messes up their
rumen.  Have you used  CS on your goats and if so, how?  I heard a few years
back on a Christian Homesteading list that someone had heard of someone
using CS to treat mastitus and it had healed it completely and quickly.
They didn't know how it was done though.  Do you think they infused it into
the udder?  I would appreciate any recommendations you may have regarding
the use of CS for sheep, goats and horses.  I have many, many friends that
have all of the above animals and are just now becoming interested in CS.
Thanks Marshalee....Deanna

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