Hi all,

 The pleas from Robb and I for advice on our arthritis has generated a
 huge response from you good folk for which I'm truly grateful

 I have copied the messages into my "archives" and produced this

 Pl I would the contributors check to spot any errors/ omissions, and, most
 sugggest frequency and amount of doses for those items marked*.

At the moment I'm on CS 25mls 3xdaily,  v expensive Proflex (3 caps daily
each containing 400mg  glucosamine HCl,  100mg chondroitin sulphate and
200mg MSM)
the anti inflammatory Oruvail, and 10 glasses of water/day. (not enough to
counterract all the cups of tea!) I just occasionally get mobile, pain free
periods (bliss)  I've not won yet but so many lines of attack - shall work
my way thro'!  I'm determined not to spend the rest of my life painfully
hobbling around!

How are you doing Robb?

 I'm so glad I joined the list.



 1. Colloidal silver*

 2. MSM  - 5g/day or 10g/day (seems a helluva lot when each pill has only

 3. DMSO applied topically

 4. Collastin*

 5. Glucosamine HCl  +  chondroitin sulphate*

 6. Omega 3*

 7. Cider Apple Vinegar - 2t in water on rising, then 2t CAV + 2t
      molasses + 1t >     honey in water, drunk with each meal.

 8. B12 -1000mcg injected daily for 3 days,
              1000mcg every 48 hrs for 8 days,
              1000mcg every 5 days. (for how long?)

 9. WATER - many glasses per day!
     Divide weight in lbs by 2, then by 8 - this is number of
     ounces/day. An average glass holds 8ozs so divide by 8 to see how
     many actual  glassfuls should be imbibed per day. Each cup of
     coffee/tea or glass of alcohol/squash should be counterbalanced by
     an extra glass of water.  (I'll be awash!)

10.Drink goat's milk not cow's milk - preferably form your own goat
      which is allowed to graze on wild vegetation.

 11.Don't eat any of the Solanaceae family (nightshades) - eg spuds or

 12.Restrict carbohydrates in the diet.

 13.Strap magnets onto the afflicted joints.

 14.Take molybdenum supplement*.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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